What is SPSS statistical analysis program
SPSS as short form of
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences which is most statistical analysis
used for research studies. The data from SPSS analysis software used for
surveys, quantitative research analysis, market research, and other types of
analysis researches. SPSS is launched in 1968 by SPSS Inc and IBM acquired it
in 2009. As this program is simply to be used and easy to follow commands. (Williams, 2024; Alchemer, 2021)
The function of SPSS:
software program can perform many analyses for the researchers like:
1- Quantitative
data analysis by providing frequency, percentages, and cross tabulation.
2- Can validate
and reliable the research tool by Cronbach alpha and Anova with two tailed
significant analysis.
3- Test the
research question and reduce it by using factor analysis and KMO, Bartlet test.
4- The test can
help the researchers to conclude the strength of the test and the weakness with
generalizability of the research study.
With all these
functions the SPSS can help the researchers to have overview about the research
study and build on new or future research studies. (Williams, 2024; Alchemer, 2021)
Statistical analysis:
There are
many statistical analyses can be done by SPSS which are:
1- Descriptive
statistics including mean, frequency, percentages, standard deviation, cross
tabulation, and methodological varieties in research.
2- Bivariate
statistics by nonparametric and parametric tests, correlation, and analysis of
variance (ANOVA).
3- Predicting
statistical outcomes like linear regression and hypothesis.
4- Tool validity,
reliability, and factor analysis.
There are
many statistical analyses can be done by SPSS and these were the most important
The uses of SPSS:
SPSS used in many statistical analyses
specially research studies in many field and business which been used to clean,
analyze, and mange data with representation by tables and graphs. The uses of
SPSS in industries were as follows:
1- For market research by searching the
solutions about products or selling by planning, identifying the data,
analyzing, identify the conclusion and performance related to market problems
or selling products and so on. Action can be taken related to customer data by
powerful surveys with data analysis.
2- In
educational field
by identifying the data related to student’s performance and evaluate their
knowledge and understanding with faculties and instructors good teaching
3- In health
care field which
been widely used to identify new treatment and practice modalities, patient’s
satisfaction and high quality of care, new researches to improve patients
safety, and other researches related to health.
4- Can be in
other fields also
like retail, customer services,
business, space flight, and many other fields.
The advantages and limitations of using SPSS:
SPSS as very useful statistical analysis which been used for many
fields with the data can be import and export from other programs like excel
with managing the files. SPSS advantages were the answers are reliable and
fast, explanation of the data by tables and graphs, effective management of the
data, no need too much efforts, and minimal chance of error. The limitation of
using SPSS are can’t analyse large number of data and can give wrong result if
bias method which produce misleading data. (Williams, 2024; Alchemer, 2021)
SPSS is very helpful program in statistical analysis which
been used in many field and many researchers rely on the data analysed to solve
their research problem and answer research questions.
Williams, K. (2024). What is SPSS? Definition, features, types, and
use cases. [online] SurveySparrow. Available at:
(2021). What is SPSS and How Does it Benefit Survey Data Analysis? [online]
Alchemer. Available at: https://www.alchemer.com/resources/blog/what-is-spss/.