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Descriptive research (Quantitative research)

Descriptive research (Quantitative research):


There were many types of research studies as been mentioned in blogger Statistical analysis in research studies which there many types of research studies descriptive research (Quantitative research) and analytical research (Qualitative research) or mixed method research studies which consisted both quantitative method and qualitative method.

This blogger mainly concentrated on descriptive research method or quantitative method.


Descriptive research method (Quantitative research)

Quantitative research, or descriptive statistics, is defined as a type of research used to describe populations, situations, and phenomena. It aims to address research questions such as how, what, when, where, and why, with the goal of understanding and resolving research problems before conducting investigations (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004).


Quantitative research is systematic investigation with statistically collection of information by using sampling methods, sending surveys, and questionnaires and the result can be detected in numerical format. After collecting data and analysing it, the future causal relationship or causal research can be predicted, and changes can made accordingly.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research:

The characteristic of quantitative research was as follows:

  1. Structured tool of the research
  2. Research sample size
  3.  Close ended questions
  4.  Prior studies
  5. Quantitative data
  6. Generalization of research results


Structured tool of the research:

In quantitative research study structured tool required for data analysis and understanding the research questions and problem statements which surveys, questionnaires, and polls can be used to collect data. Structured method help by in-depth and actionable data to be collected which make data analysis to easier and logical for understanding. (Fleetwood, 2023).


Research sample size:

Sample size is very important to determine the research board views and focus involve carful balancing with clear understanding of the methods and ensure reliability and validity of the research project. (Fleetwood, 2023; Carpenter, 2018)


Close ended questions:

Close-ended questions means to ask the respondents to choose between yes or no, true or false, or multiple-choice questions by specific design which quarreller with research objectives be and facilitate data collection process (Qualtrics, 2024; Fleetwood, 2023)


Prior studies:

Prior studies in quantitative research mean the previous studies which tackles the same research that the researcher want to explore which help and give the researcher clear understanding about the research topic in many dimensions and ensure the data collection to be valid and reliable and solve the research problem with answering research questions. (Fleetwood, 2023)

Quantitative data:

After analysing the data, the quantitative data represented in the research study by tables, graphs, plots, and charts which help in understanding the quantitative research and being part of quantitative methods that can the reader understand the research study and give them ideas about the need of future study. (Fleetwood, 2023)


Generalization of research results:

The strength point of the quantitative research is generalization of the research study which mean the research study can be generalized to the entire population which in the research only using samples that the results extracted from it. This can give good idea about the whole population and take decision with action for improvement or solve the research problem. (Fleetwood, 2023)



These were the characteristics of quantitative research which can help in understanding the important of the research study, these characteristics must be included in quantitative research and missing of any part can affect on the validity, reliability, and strength of the quantitative research study. And with all characteristics the reader develop idea about the research and the future study to be done.


Johnson, R. B., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come. Educational Researcher, 33(7), 14–26.
Fleetwood, D. (2023). Quantitative Research: Definition, Methods, Types and Examples. QuestionPro.
Carpenter,A. (2018). How to Determine the Correct Survey Sample Size. Qualtrics.
Qualtrics. (2024). Close-ended questions: everything you need to know. Qualtrics.
