Statistical analysis in research studies
studies is important in medical and health science field to explore the
health-related problem and by evidence-based practice the performance and
patient care will be changed with more effective outcomes. Statistical analysis
is part of research studies which the research results been interpreted after
data collection and give meaning to the analyzed data and investigate the
research problem and discuss the finding with relation to other research
studies. Statistics is analyzed data method involved data collection, handling
with sorting or data coding, analyzing by using specific software, and
interpret the result appeared. (Billard, 2011) The
purpose of statistical analysis is to understand and gain more knowledge about
problem experienced in the practice, explore new skills, identify better
evidence-based practice, and identify new phenomenon. (Billard, 2011).
Before starting the statistical analysis, some points must be
1- Research types
2- Statistical analysis software’s for research studies
Research types:
The research studies types were varies according to the problem
statement, experience faced during clinical, or the phenomenon which been
Descriptive research (Quantitative research):
Descriptive statistics or Quantitative research defined as research used
to describe population, situation, and phenomenon which been studied by
answering a research question of how, what, when, where, and why with solving
and understanding research problem before investigation. (Johnson &
Onwuegbuzie, 2004).
Analytical research (Qualitative research):
Analytical research is specific type of research which need critical
thinking, brain storming, and evaluation of the information’s. This type of
research gives the researcher more in-depth information about the phenomenon
and focus on understanding the cause and effect relationship between variables (Johnson
& Onwuegbuzie, 2004).
Statistical analysis software’s:
There were many soft wares can be used to conduct statistical analysis
for both types of research’s as for quantitative data analysis the programs can
2- Jamovi
3- R studio
5- Stata
And there were many soft ware’s which can help in doing statistical
analysis for quantitative data which the programs be free or need to purchase
with efficacy and effective answers with correlated to the research problem and
questions or objectives.
For qualitative data analysis the programs which can be used to form
codes, themes with subthemes related to the information collected by specific
type of observation, interview, case study, and focus group can be:
2- Atlas
3- Quirkos
4- QDA Miner Lite
There were many types of programs which can be used for quantitative,
qualitative, and mixed method studies which can help the researchers to get
good statistical results with details and best understanding of the research
Billard, L. (2011). Brief overview of symbolic data
and analytic issues. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 4(2),
Johnson, R. B., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004).
Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come. Educational
Researcher, 33(7), 14–26.